The Complete Guide to Moving Across Country

Whether you’re relocating for a new job or starting a new chapter in your life, careful planning is the key to successful move. This guide will provide you with step-by-step process to help develop a smooth experience in your cross-country move.

Preparing for the Move

  • Research your new location: Before you get on your cross country move, just take the time to research and familiarize yourself with new destination. Learn about the local culture, housing options & healthcare facilities.
  • Create a moving checklist: Make a comprehensive checklist to keep track of all the tasks you need to complete before, during, and after the move. This will ensure that you don’t have to overlook any important details. Include items such as finding a moving company, notifying utilities, updating your address and packing essentials.
  • Set a budget: Moving can be expensive, so it’s important to establish a budget before. Account for moving expenses, transportation costs, temporary accommodation if needed & any other potential expenses. Research different moving options to find the most cost-effective solution.
  • Declutter and organize: Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter your belongings. Sort through your possessions and decide what to keep, donate, sell or throw away. Organize your items into categories and label boxes accordingly. This will make your unpacking much easier.

Hiring a Moving Company

  • Get recommendations: Ask friends, family OR colleagues for recommendations on reputable moving companies. Read online reviews and check their credentials, such as licenses & insurance coverage. Obtain quotes from multiple companies to compare prices and services.
  • Schedule an in-home estimate: Invite representatives from the moving companies you’re considering to conduct an in-home estimate. This will allow them to assess the volume of your belongings and provide you with an exact quote. Ask any questions you may have and discuss additional services they offer.
  • Review the contract: Once you’ve chosen a moving company, carefully review the contract before signing it. Pay close attention to the terms and conditions, insurance coverage, delivery dates and payment details.

Packing and Moving Day

  • Gather packing supplies: Collect supply of sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, markers, and other necessary materials. Start packing non-essential items well in advance to avoid last-minute rush.
  • Pack strategically: Begin by packing items you don’t frequently use and gradually work your way to everyday essentials. Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. Consider creating an inventory list to keep track of all your belongings.
  • Take care of valuables: Separate valuable items, such as jewelry, important documents & sentimental objects, to carry with you personally. Ensure they are securely packed and easily accessible during the move.
  • Prepare for moving day: On the day of the move, make sure you’re well-rested & have a plan in place. Coordinate with the moving company, verify the address and confirm any last-minute details. Keep important documents, medications, snacks and essential items in a separate bag.

Settling into Your New Home

  • Update your address: Notify relevant parties of your address change, including the postal service, banks, credit card companies, insurance providers & government agencies. Also, inform friends and family of your new contact information.
  • Unpack strategically: Upon arriving at your new home, start unpacking systematically. Begin with essential items, such as bedding, toiletries & kitchen essentials, to ensure you have the necessities for your first few days.
  • Explore your new surroundings: Take some time to explore your new neighborhood and nearby amenities. Locate grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals, schools and other facilities that you may need. Familiarize yourself with the local transportation options.
  • Get involved in the community: Moving to a new area provides an excellent opportunity to meet new people and get involved in community activities. Attend local events, join clubs & engage in volunteer work. This will help you establish a sense of belonging and build a social network.
  • Find new service providers: Research & set up necessary services in your new area, such as utilities, internet, cable & garbage collection. Compare options and select providers that offer the best value and service quality.
  • Establish new healthcare providers: Find healthcare providers in your new area, including doctors, dentists & specialists, if necessary. Transfer medical records and ensure you have a plan for ongoing healthcare needs.
  • Take your time with the settling-in process: Adjusting to a new environment takes time, so, be patient with yourself and your family. Allow yourself to acclimate to your new home. Take breaks, explore your new city, and embrace the adventure of your cross-country move.


Moving across country is a significant life event that requires careful planning. By following this complete guide, you can streamline the process and make your move an enjoyable experience.